Your manuscript is finished, and you know the traditional publishing route isn’t best for your individual needs. How do you navigate the world of self-publishing online with no experience, though? Selling e-book download products is easier and likely far less expensive than you think, but you do need the right systems in place for success. Find out how you can turn your first novel into the start of an e-book download empire, one sale at a time.
Weighing E-Book Download Sales Options
For many authors new to self-publishing, the most visible e-book download sales option is working within the marketplaces tied to popular eReader devices. While this can be a lucrative option, there are also some limitations it pays to consider. Many of the tiered plans which allow you to keep the greatest portion of the proceeds from each sale also include exclusivity requirements, meaning you’re only allowed to market your work through a single sales avenue. This immediately excludes potential readers who own or use other devices, those who live in countries outside the regions determined by a mass e-book retailer and many others. To truly reach a global audience, it’s best to maintain your own independent web store.
At first blush, this may seem like a complicated and expensive path. The truth is, though, you don’t need an expensive, complicated website or seller tools you don’t know how to use. All you truly need is a high-quality eCommerce platform. With a service like in your corner, getting started is easy, efficient and feasible on even the smallest budget.
How to Build E-Book Download Sales
High-quality eCommerce platforms streamline everything you’d rely upon a mass e-book retailer for, with none of the restrictions. Payments are processed through systems you and your customers already trust, like PayPal. Your files are hosted securely, and made available to readers immediately upon completion of a purchase. Since you can’t sell to readers who don’t know your work is out there, affiliate marketing networks are built into better platforms for a risk-free, low-cost marketing alternative to risky prepaid ads and sponsored social media posts. With simple cut-and-paste HTML, you can turn anything from a free blog site or social media profile to an inexpensive DIY template site into a reliable and effective sales portal.
Don’t let indecision keep you from launching your very own e-book download business. Get started today, and take the first step toward your future.
The post Where to Sell E-Book Download Products first appeared on PayLoadz Blog.